Sunday, May 19, 2013

The ever-encompassing GOOGLE

It seems like Google has become a life partner, just like a best friend. It helps businesses earn money and promote, it helps people understand life's difficult questions, it facilitates communication between people, it gives people more time by providing applications, countless other helpful activities... and it's only been 15 years.
A quick list of how google is and will be my best friend:
  • Google Maps and Google Earth
  • G-Mail
    • Google Circles to diversify and compartmentalize friendships
    • Google Drive: An affordable way to send large files and have them available anywhere
  • Play Store for android
  • Search engine which offered the first predictive search bar and intuitive features
    • "best of" feature
    • instant trivia answers
    • The most comprehensive search engine for any knowledge imaginable
  • Pay per clicks and Advertising (majority of revenues)
  • Google Nexus and partnership with All smartphones
  • Translation
  • Nasa space modules that promise to solve chronic diseases
  • Google Glass
  • Implementing Wireless networks into impoverished countries (albeit to market sponsors, but admirable nonetheless)
  • Google voice making cell phone calls and texts available to anyone free of charge
From the SEO standpoint, Keywords most used are Insurance, Loans, Mortgage, Attorney, Credit, in that order. Per month over 1 Billion unique users. 

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