Tesla, created by Elon Musk (PayPal), has been creating its roadster model since 2008 and hit the 3000th sale last year. Since it's release earlier this year, the Model S already has tripled production and while labor is the factor driving the price at this time, analysts believe that the earnings have an inverse correlation with overtime hours of more than 3000 employees. As this vehicle is completely original in mainstream, there are a plethora of original problems.
- Torque up to 50% increased from standard SUV's
- Butterfly doors in the rear
- Can use HOV lanes
- Much easier to fabricate and more flexible to design than traditional cars
- Can swap out shells (speculation on my part)
- GPS tracked vehicles that enable traffic, "pothole" research and can lead you to your destination
- Guaranteed residual value for every car owner
- Seats in the middle aisle that slide on tracks instead of pivots.
- 0-60 under 5 seconds (S - model achieved 60 mph in 3.7s)
- Single motor, dual motor, or dual motor with all wheel drive
- 85 kWh Battery (aka 265 miles range)
- Front and Rear trunk space
- Have the largest Sun roof on the market
- Touch screen display (linux)
- 17" HD can control up to 4 apps at once
- Powerful interfacing and capabilities
- Internet browsing, applications
- Fine tune listening preferences intuitively
- 10 phones sync-able
- Control braking, climate control (all electric so quicker), and control lift
- Controllable through voice or steering wheel
- Heavily documented safety issues keep designers honest
- Essentially handmade, experimental (Packard-esque)
- No waste at all, completely eco-friendly
Release date middle to end 2014
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